Play the game for nostalgia, play the game because it can be very fun when the meta game is in balance, but do not support the business model of pay-only contents, that’s how you end up with a dead game. I think the game the way it was, all cards obtainable by all players whether it be through cash or grind, is the way to go. However, locking cards behind a paywall with no option to get the them besides real money sets a very bad precedent and I will not support this business model. Now I have spent some real money on this game and don’t mind throwing a little support now and then because it’s a well made game. This is preceded by structure decks that were purchasable with game currency for the first time around and then with real money only the subsequent purchases. At the same time, Konami has also released the first pay only set of cards (structure deck). Konami finally dropped a new ban list to try to remedy this problem and we’ll see what effect it has when the ban list takes effect.
But then a series of overpowered cards were released and for a long time the top of the meta game consisted of just a handful of decks same decks and skills over and over again made the game very stale. At its peak, it was a game that was very cerebral, encouraged variety deck building, strategic PVP plays, and enjoyable nostalgic PVE events. I’ve played YGO Duel Links since the near beginning and have had a lot of fun. Such a shame, hopefully Devs realize people are willing to spend money on games that actually have substance and stand for something other than weaponizing nostalgia to make a quick buck.
I initially couldn’t tear myself away from this game, but you quickly realize as the free welcome gifts run out that at its core, this is nothing more than a soulless husk a cash grab that monetizes you’re lack of patience and unwillingness to suffer through the sweaty salt mine that is the ranked ladder. If there was an ability to just play through the story against NPCs all day, it would be way more acceptable, but of course that’s limited by 100 different random currencies, time limits for duelists to “respawn”, just all kinds of money grubbing practices that hurt the game overall and detract from its merits. The meta is basically run as many copies of cards that don’t allow the other person to play or get your three 4200 beaters out turn 1.

Good luck so much as thinking about cracking the beginner ranks if you don’t already have a deck that has a turn 2 win condition. This it’s all the more unfortunate the game is so clearly pay to win. The sound design is fantastic, and there’s obviously been work put into this game towards small details. This game is an incredible homage to Yu Gi Oh, and it’s a treat for anyone remotely familiar with the series to see the massive amount of cards, characters, and special animations they receive.