He is amazing but he is also very much a coward who really doesn’t want to go on the field, so maybe don’t take him. Some are focused on melee brawling, some use distance tactics, and Chunky hides in the corner of the map because he is a coward. You can start taking them with you on some later missions, so you get a good idea of how everyone solves problems. What’s neat about these people, whom you have to talk to in order to find more missions, is that they all have names, clear personalities, and even their own battle styles. It also has a great sense of humor and character to it, including a wide range of wacky characters at your garbage dump of a base. It’s a perfect time capsule of the era, from the desert/crust punk look to the constant sense of confusion and oppressiveness.

Hey, have you ever seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? How about The Big O? Maybe this list of several dozen NGE take-offs? Phantom Dust is very much a product of that era of narrative subverting existentialism core stories, with a late game reveal that is absolutely wild. Your goal is the same as everyone else: Learn the truth of what happened to the world and who you really are. Your character and a man named Edgar are found in capsules by a band of humans, and quickly get recruited upon showing esper potential. All of humanity has suffered a mass memory loss event, even leaving basic history a complete enigma. Espers try to journey to the surface for short periods of time to explore mysterious ruins, wanting to discover what has happened to the Earth, and maybe regain their lost memories. However, some humans called espers can control the dust, granting them supernatural powers. The world is a massive desert and staying out above ground too long can be dangerous, the deadly dust in the air toxic to humans. The concept here is that it is sometime after an unknown, Earth ruining apocalypse.
What you will find is truly unlike anything else out there unless you’re willing to dig in the deep mines of obscure PC indie gaming – and this got a full on remaster! This is Phantom Dust, a game that defies any clear genre, though the initial concept was something like a trading card game like Magic The Gathering meets the one-on-one action battle game Virtual-On. If you want some full on Futatsugi, some real uncontrolled gaming strangeness, you need to look at the one game he directed for Microsoft before leaving to start Grounding. Panzer Dragon will remain his greatest accomplishment the way things are looking, but there are a few who would argue otherwise.
When he did help found a new company called Grounding Inc, they stuck to more humble download only titles instead of anything ambitious or costly. He’s shown extremely impressive creativity, but he’s tended to stick around major gaming corps instead of going on his own. The game features over 15 hours of solo player content through an engaging story that explores the ideas of isolation and faith, and full Xbox Live multiplayer support for up to four players in a variety of match types.Yukio Futatsugi has had a really strange career. You’ll compete in highly-destructible arenas and unleash a wide array of powers and tactics to defeat your enemies, including orbital particle cannons, flaming swords, barriers of ice, flight, cloaking, attack reflection, and many other abilities. Collect 300 unique skills and build your arsenal of powers, taking them into battle online with up to three other players. Phantom Dust is a blend of third-person arena combat and collectable card game. Experience the cult classic that’s kept a passionate community playing to this day and a unique multiplayer experience that’s never been duplicated. It features new gameplay enhancements including multiplayer starter decks that let you jump straight into multiplayer, improved frame rate, and adjustments to overall game balance.
Phantom Dust for Xbox One and Windows 10 PC is a re-release of the original Xbox classic, now returning with full Xbox LIVE support and a host of enhancements, including Xbox Play Anywhere, cross-device multiplayer, achievements, and 16x9 presentation. * Windows 10 Version 9 or higher required for online multiplayer.